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SKZ in the 14th Pan American Wushu Championships

The Pan American Wushu Championships (PAWC) are the highest-level intercontinental competition within the sport of wushu. This biennial event began in 1996 and always captures the excitement and range of wushu, both in the action-packed Sanda (Kickboxing) bouts and the dynamic movements and distinct weaponry of Taolu(Hand & weapons) forms competition.

The competition took place from August 29 to September 2, 2024, at the Santa Clara convention center.

The Pan American Wushu Championships (PWAC) hosts the highest-level international competition for the sport of Wushu in the US. This event takes place every two years hosting a series of events including Sanda, modern wushu, traditional wushu and taiji qigong tournaments. This tournament being prestigious as it is will naturally gather competitors from all around North and South America along with some international competitors as well. As a result, we’re rather lucky for the PAWC to have their tournaments so close within our neighborhood. Rather than spending hundreds of dollars for airplane and hotel for a trip across the US, most of our students only need to take a short drive to the tournament venue.

Our students from SKZ who attended the Pan American Wushu Tournament (PAWT) were Gavin L, Odin M, Luohe Z, and Justin L. They all practiced tediously and despite their busy schedules, they made sure to find time to attend open class sessions whenever they could in preparation. These open sessions were times where the classroom was open for them to train and improve on their own. They all performed very well in competition with people who had to travel halfway across the world to compete. All of our competitors were able to win medals even with the strict requirements of an internationally sanctioned tournament.

Congratulations to our four representatives from SKZ who competed at the PAWC! Whether or not you won a medal or not is not important. Everyone who attended gained something that goes beyond physical and monetary value. The connections and experiences gained through this event will help propel you into more amazing and spectacular successes. In the grand picture, SKZ is proud of our four students who spent their valuable time to represent SKZ Kungfu on the international stage. Congratulations and great job!


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