Congratulations to all the students who passed the belt test during this exam period. All the students have worked very hard and performed wonderfully! Everyone should be proud of themselves continuing to work hard and persevere! Thank you to all the parents, friends and family for your encouragement and support of the students. Your support has played a vital role in the students' Kungfu journey, growth, and development.
Arundati Badrinath Yellow Black Belt
Lucas Han Yellow Black Belt
Neil Krishnan Red Black Belt
Ved Karthik Brown Belt
Saravanan Sethuraman Yellow Black Belt
Evan Saw Green Belt
Lyla Ng Green Belt
Dylan Qian Green Belt
Andrew Carr Green Belt
Elon Mathew Green Black Belt
Ayush Sriraj Purple Belt
Visu Subramanian Blue Belt
Kathy Chen Blue Belt
Shriya Viswanathan Purple Belt