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Gabriela Steinhoff Black Belt

I just want to start by saying Kungfu has been a huge part of my life. Since I started in kindergarten, I have been more confident with other people, made new friends, and made sure my response was heard. I am much more aware of my surroundings and much more responsible. Instead of being shy, I am now bold. I could never imagine my life without Kungfu. My friends see me as confident and strong while my teachers see me as a studious, smart girl. Thanks to Kungfu, I now resist much more pain and continue to do things even when I’m not comfortable. From my experience with Kungfu, I have learned to embrace change. Every time I see someone I don’t know; I take a deep breath because I know I can defend myself. Lastly, I am more disciplined with my family and peers, and I can ask my teachers more educated questions. I just want to sum it up by saying thank you so much Shifu Vincent and Shifu Andy for teaching me and disciplining me. I would never be here without you. I am a lucky 6th grader to be standing here today.

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