6/19/2023 Day-1
June 19 is the first day of our first week of Kungfu Enrichment Camp! The students start the day by warming up outside after they sign in.
Our mornings at Camp are spent doing individual and group training, and practicing our flips and tumbling
New students are welcome to join us for camps without having class experience. This week we have 3 new students!
Lunch time is a time to talk and relax together after we finish eating.
Each week we have a unique Camp form, which is outside of our standard curriculum. This week we are learning Kungfu Fan!
Anything can become a game! For example, we can keep balloons in the air as long as possible by training our coordination.
Each week at Camp includes many cultural activities, and todays activity is paper cutting! We learned to make a two layer flower by folding and cutting paper.
6/20/2023 Day-2
New students will learn quickly how to do basic stances and movements, with help from both teachers and fellow students
As an extra cultural activity, we can have some tea after lunch, and learn to appreciate the smell and taste of good tea.
Day 2 of Kungfu Fan has seen lots of improvement on the part of the students, making steady progress.
Pool noodles are a fun way to train sword skills without injuring someone! Students use what they've llearned about broadsword to make blocks and attacks with a pool noodle.
This week is the dragon festival, so we use the activity time to make pipe cleaner dragons! All of our dragons are uniquely colored.
A Great way to end the day off is with drums! In the short time we had left, the students learned a practice pattern and a lion dance drum pattern.
6/21/2023 Day-3
Our third day of Kungfu Fan, we got in a lot of practice! We've learned a lot, so now we must reinforce our memory.
Combat training isn't just punches and kicks, but also learning when you can grab someone for a takedown.
Our activity for the day is Chinese calligraphy! Students use practice paper and water to learn how to write the characters.
Once they are done practicing, they can write the word on a paper fan!
Our second activity was rope tying. This is useful in daily life for securing things, but also for Kungfu class to set up for an exercise.
6/22/2023 Day-4
The week is almost over, but there is still plenty to do. A quick puzzle is a great exercise to train our focus and reasoning.
The Kungfu fighting man is a fun homemade toy that we can play with using a special table. Its main actions are splits, dodges, and spinning attacks.
After our lunchtime for today, we practiced making tea! Each person had their own tea pot to practice for tomorrow's Camp performance.
Our lion dance drumming has only improved, thanks to spending more time for practice. To keep everyone on time, we all practice together on a the standing drum.
More practice brings more quality to our preformance. The dragon ribbon dance requires good control in order to not get tangled.
Now we are finally ready for our performance tomorrow!
Dr. Liang was able to come today to teach us about how to relax and massage our muscles after a long day of KungFu. It is very important to take care of your body so you don't get hurt!
It's a special day for our students Kaitlyn, as she turns eight years old! We made sure to take a minute to celebrate her birthday.
6/23/2023 Day-5
The start of our last day at camp, we brought out the traditional dragon to understand how to use it.
To celebrate our time at camp we invited all of the parents to come and watch a performance of everything the campers learned this past week. For the first half, each student showed their family their crafts and then served them tea.
Our project presentation was followed by a Kungfu fan performance by 2 teams and then a dragon ribbon dance with everyone together.
To finish of we played drums together using lion dance drum patterns. The parents also learned one part so they could play along with us!
Finally, camp was over and each student brought their projects and memories home with them. we're sad to say goodbye but we'll see each other in class soon enough!